How COVID-19 has affected my small business


Things have been a little different around here…

In all of the chaos that has been going on, I have managed to find a new routine. I have been trying to stay creative and continue to make, but things have definitely changed.

Wall Pocket designed with underglaze

Wall Pocket designed with underglaze

There is so much craziness around every corner these days. Remembering to wear my mask, applying hand sanitizer, and keeping my distance from friends and family has become the new normal.

My ceramics have been put on the back burner for the most part. But I cannot help myself as I continue to create more and more to keep myself busy. As we all know it is important to keep those creative juices flowing. The problem is that I cannot fire them as easy as I used to. My husband Jesse and I even looked into investing in a kiln, but then sadly realized our house really does not have the space for that right now.

Luckily for me I have a steady teaching job that lets me create at a slower pace and keeps me worry free. I have branched out (somewhat successfully) to polymer clay earrings, mainly to keep myself occupied. In my actual ceramics, I have been doing more surface design with my underglazes since I have so much more time at home to create designs. You can see this in my new platters, wall pockets, and jewelry dishes.

I am really hoping to get back to school soon and find my old normal groove again. Even though going back to school will be very different this year, I think that would help me keep moving forward, giving me more purpose.